Unlocking the Secret Power of the “Small Round Hole” on Your Nail Clippers-TI1-10

Every household typically has nail trimmers. These tools are primarily utilized for trimming nails and snipping thread tips. They are incredibly useful! You may have observed that some  nail clippers feature a small round aperture at the end, but do you understand its purpose? Many of my acquaintances are unaware, and I just recently uncovered the clever function of this small orifice. Once you grasp its utility, give it a shot! Let’s delve into its capabilities.

We can affix a keychain to the minute hole on the  nail clipper, ensuring a secure attachment. Unless all our keys are misplaced, the nail clipper will perpetually remain on the keychain. Some nail clippers even arrive with a petite chain intended for that tiny circular aperture. Nonetheless, if we exploit that diminutive chain for keychain attachment, it might detach easily. Hence, it is preferable to directly utilize the keychain to fasten the small circular hole, thereby ensuring robust adherence and preventing nail clipper dislodgement.

Insert the wire into the small round hole to mold it as desired. This wire bending technique alleviates the need for excessive force application. Occasionally, we press down on the nail clipper’s apex to safeguard our digits. For instance, when endeavoring to break wire, using our fingers might result in abrasions. The next time you need to bend wire, experiment with leveraging a nail clipper for enhanced convenience. It’s a straightforward and beneficial tip.

The tertiary role of the petite metal piece that encompasses the small circular hole is to aid in purging dirt from beneath your nails. However, did you know it can also function as a mini screwdriver for those minuscule screws for which you lack the standard tools at home? If you possess this tiny piece, it can serve to unfasten those minute screws. Simply rotate it a couple of times, and the screw can be effortlessly extracted. Therefore, even when lacking the appropriate screwdriver at home, you can turn to nail clippers for assistance with these minor screws.

You can employ the sharp edge of the nail file that accompanies the nail clippers to slice tape on shipping boxes.

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